Started 20 days ago, Serena, the machine which excavates the exploratory tunnel started moving towards Brennero. In the...

The Brenner Base Tunnel: The Tunnel Boring Machine is breaking world speed records through the mountain

The TBM in the Ahrental exploratory tunnel drove through 10,000 metres of rock in 2.5 years

A new world record: 61...

The contract for largest construction lot in Austria has been awarded

- The Pfons-Brenner construction lot includes 50 kilometres of tunnel

- The bidding consortium led by PORR made the...

Production of tunnel segments launched at the Hinterrigger plant

The production plant at Hinterrigger, close to the southern end of the exploratory tunnel, has already started up the...

Guido Tonelli, discoverer of the Higgs boson, guest at BBT

An eminent guest was invited at the BBT Infopoint to relate his discovery, and to bring some light into a topic that is...

The tunnel boring machines for the main tubes are being delivered to Mules

The two tunnel boring machines (TBM) for the construction of the main tubes between Mules and Brennero are currently...