BBT SE - A PROJECT COMPANY UNDER EUROPEAN LAW In 1999, the Ministers of Transport of Austria and Italy established the European Economic Interest Grouping BBT EEIG. The company was set up to plan the Brenner Base Tunnel. It was the basis for the company Galleria di Base del Brennero – Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, established on December 16th 2004, which is now responsible for the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The acronym SE stands for Societas Europea, a transnational type of company provided for by European law. Preliminary works for tunnel construction began in 2006. Actual construction began in 2007. Shareholders Autonomous Province of Trento (3,446%) Rete Ferrovaria Italiana SpA (89,857%) Supervisory body 2 Members (AT) 2 Members (IT) Tunnel Ferroviario del Brennero Wolf Construction site office Mules Construction site office Fortezza Construction site office Innsbruck Branch office Bolzano Company headquarter Sill gorge Construction site office Ahrental Construction site office 6 Members (AT) 6 Members (IT) Board of management Dipl. Ing. Martin Gradnitzer (AT) Dott. Ing. Gilberto Cardola (IT) approx. 200 collaborating authors 50% Austria 50% Italy Members of the supervisory board Province of Verona (0,32%) Autonomous Province of Bolzano (6,377%) 46 BRENNER BASE TUNNEL